Get Involved!

  • Courtwatch with us.

    Join our efforts to hold the St. Louis Courts accountable to the people. Our volunteers attend court and gather data and stories. Each month we publish our findings to illuminate for the public what is happening in the courts in our names. Follow us on Twitter @CourtWatchSTL to see our findings.

    Sign up to CourtWatch here.

  • Build power with us.

    Every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month we gather at Mission St. Louis because we believe that the members of the community, who have been affected by violence, have direct knowledge of what the community needs to stay safe. This space is held so that Black community members can love, learn, and lead together.

Contact us.

If you’d like to get involved with CourtWatching or our Power Builders meeting send us an email through the contact form, and we will connect you to the appropriate staff member!